Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Schedule

5/2: The Real Housewives of Fat Tony
5/4: Father Knows Worst
5/5: "Hate Month" Don Payne Introduction
5/11: Lovecraft's Corner #5
5/12: Homer Scissorhands
5/13: "Hate Month" Don Payne Part 1
5/16: 500 Keys
5/18: Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh
5/20: "Hate Month" Don Payne Part 2
5/23: The Ned-Liest Catch (AKA That 90's Show Part 2)
5/25: Four Great Women and a Manicure
5/27: "Hate Month" Don Payne Part 3
5/30: Season 22 review/ Season 22 in 5 seconds

*Schedule subject to change


  1. Just a few questions:
    After season 22 what are you going to review during the summer? And also what possible themes will there be for the months to come?

  2. I will be doing reviews over the summer. However, it will be less often (1 or two posts a week, really depends on my week (I have summer classes early in the summer))

    In terms of themes, I will have RBY around so I'm thinking about doing episodes I wouldn't touch before. If my "Hate Month" style works as I hope it will, I might do another during the summer.

  3. If I might suggest a minor character month, like Apu or Comic Book Guy.
