Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Treehouse of Horror XXI in 5 seconds

Because this is what the classic Treehouse of Horrors were missing


  1. The Robot Chicken bit sums up most of the "jokes" nowadays.

  2. It would be too easy to use that on the majority of their "jokes". But I felt that this one in particular (Well at least for season 22) was the most appropriate one to use it on.

  3. Dear Sir,

    I wish to complain on the strongest possible terms about the entry in this blog about the crude humor in the eposide. As a connoisseur of low-brow perverted humor, I must declare that these "jokes" are an insult to the fine art of sexual innuendo.

    Yours faithfully,

    Dr. Stephen Sebben

    PS: Marge appears to be rubbing ice on her hair instead of her neck.
